Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dust & Major

Today has been a pretty great day. Long, but great. It was so good to be back at Quest this week and so all those familiar faces that we hadn't seen since break. Not to mention I missed Steph like crazy! I don't think we've ever gone that long without seeing each other.

Tonight at Quest Tim T. talked and he said something that has really been on my mind since we left. I don't remember where he heard it and such not, but basically he said it like this... back in the way way way olden days people would follow Rabbi's and other important people so closely that the dust from the rabbi would be on his followers. That is how we are suppose to be with Jesus. We are suppose to follow him so close that his dust is on us and reflects onto others. People should be able to look us and be like, oh that girl is following Jesus because I see his dust all over her. It's just a cool thought. And I want people to look at me that way.

Also tonight Tim brought up how he was an accounting major and his sophomore year he realized that he wasn't suppose to be. He was being called to be with high schoolers. So he was a math teacher for 5 years and now he has been on Young Life staff ever since. I am having second thoughts about my major, and I have been for a while now. I just don't know what I'm suppose to do. I pray about and I talk to Jesus about it, but I know I'm not just going to wake up one day with a note on my desk that says This is your major. Love, Jesus. It's hard. And I've been struggling with it for a while now. I get to the point where I am at peace and I am content with Nursing and then something like this happens. I just do not know. So it's something I'm just going to have to keep praying out. Jesus will let me know what I'm suppose to do.

Well, that's all my dust and major post has to say.

If you really knew me you would know that I have a freckle in my eye.

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