Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Starting over....again.

Well, today is the first day of my second semester of college. No lie, I'm nervous. Super nervous. It's not like in grade school when you walk back into the same building with all the same people and you just go to different class rooms. I have new classes, which means new buildings, which means new class rooms, which means new people, which means new professors. Oh, and I have to use a building locator in UT's website just to find where my dang classes are! Tell me this isn't scary. Fortunately, I haven't even had my first class today. Unfortunately, I'm wait listed for a class that I really want and it starts today. Boo.

So last night I was so nervous, scared, sad, mad, excited, etc. about starting school today. I could not fall asleep for anything. So I prayed. I prayed that Jesus comfort me and somehow let me know everything will be okay. Well, check this out. This morning I woke up and read Jesus Calling. It's a devotional book with a different message for everyday of the year. But the message is written as if Jesus is talking to you. So I read today's message and the very first thing it says is...Let Me Prepare You for the day that stretches out before you. Yes! Please prepare me for the today. I need guidance! So if you keep reading basically he's saying I know exactly what today has in store for you even though you don't, and I know you want a map set out of exactly the twists and turns your about to take, but to be fully prepared for whatever happens today you just need to spend quality time with me. That's all! Just spend time with Jesus and he will equip you and make you ready for whatever obstacle comes our way. At the very end it says My presence is the best road map available. How true is that. It seems so easy to say and think, but is it really that easy to do. Is it easy to just say okay, I'll spend time with you and be 100% confident and sure that everything will be okay. I know it's hard for me, but it's something I'm definitely working on.

If anything exciting happens today in class, I'll be sure to let you know.

If you really knew me you would know that I still have to make an L with my fingers to know my lefts and rights.

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