Thursday, March 31, 2011

I am officially a Powell Panther! Roaaaaaaaaar

Yes, it happened. I am officially a YoungLife leader at Powell High School! I seriously still don't believe this happened. I was afraid I was going to wake up this morning and realize it wasn't true at all. I've already told the story about a billion times, so I can wait to tell it again for the blog. It's pretty much the greatest story ever to be told. So here goes nothin'...

Yesterday was Wednesday. I typically hate Wednesday's for the simple fact that I have chem lab from 3:30-6:30. Torture. Well yesterday was going good. I just tried really hard all day not to think about what was going to happen that night. I prayed a lot and I just kept telling Jesus I trust you I trust you I trust you. Because I did. I trusted that he would put me at the school he best saw fit for me. I talked to Jesus all through my classes, while I was walking to classes, while I was eating. No joke, all day long. Right before lab was about to start I started to get extremely anxious. My heart was getting giddy and I just had to keep telling asking that Jesus calm my heart and my nerves and my excitement so I could get through lab. And He did. Mel and I did some serious work and got done with our lab at like 5:30! (ps, she is the sweetest, most angelic friend I've ever had, and I love her a lot.) Okay so we got done with lab and we went and got my car and I took Mel, Cayce, Kim, and myself to Steph's house for dinner. Once we all got to Steph's the other girls from my small group that were there but weren't getting placed took our phones and all our stuff. It was scary. But then they pampered us like princesses. They made us sit down the whole time and they got us whatever they wanted and they made us Spaghetti with salad and garlic bread. Dinner was so great and full of sweet conversation. After dinner Steph asked if we wanted to have dessert at the table or in the living room, so we opted for the living room and once again, they made us sit down and they served us. They each asked us what kind of ice cream we wanted, and of course I wanted a little bit of chocolate and vanilla. Steph made cookies and put them in the bottom of our bowl with ice cream on top and it was so yummy. Well, as I was eating my ice cream I noticed that the bottom of my bowl said PHS on the bottom. At first I was just confused. I was like I wonder why Steph has a Powell bowl, but I didn't really think much of it considering people just acquire things from friends that went to other schools all the time. Well as I scraped away more of my ice cream I realized that the bottom of my bowl said P.H.S Panthers on the bottom.....and that was it!!!!!! That was school Jesus had placed me at! Once I realized I was going to be a leader at Powell I just lost it. I was so exciting and happy and just full of joy! The three other girls that were also getting placed started freaking out because they didn't understand why I just randomly started crying. But the other girls who filled the bowls new what was going on, they still didn't know where we were though. So once the girls figured out is was in the ice cream bowls they freaked out and ran to the sink to get rid of their ice cream! It was such a special time. My friend Morgan is at Hardin Valley, my friend kim is at West, and my friend Cayce is at Central!!! Once we all celebrated our schools, Steph brough us together and told us each exactly why we were placed at our school. It was so great to hear why I am at Powell High School. In my interview I talked alot about just being so broken in hs, but I had to be tough, and hard, and pretend like I had it all together. I had the hardest shell on and I wasn't about to let anybody break it down. According to Steph, a lot of Powell girls are the very same way. They put on this front, but on the inside they are very broken. I was meant to be at Powell High School. And now I can see how more than ever! After Steph told us why we were each where we are, we all sat in a circle and the rest of the girls in our small group prayed over the four of us. It was just a really special night. The 9 other girls in our small group that didn't decide to get placed were still there for a us all night, and I think that is what made the night so special. They didn't have to come at all, but they wanted to be there for us and watch us through a special time in our lives. This is a little off topic, but those girls mean the world to me. They made this past year so much more enjoyable, and I will forever cherish the moments and conversations and laughter we shared. I'm so glad Steph is going to continue our small group next year! I would not know what to do without it and her! After we all prayed we packed up and went to the YoungLife house to meet our team leaders and the new quest people that are also on our team! Once everyone got to the YL house, Tim prayed over all of us and we went with our team leader to do something fun for the night. So then I went out with my new team members and two people who are already on the team, Devin and Thomas, made us do a little scavenger hunt! It was super great, and since I practically live in Powell I knew where everything was. I could ramble on so much more about last night, but I'll save you from the boredom. Basically, last night was magically. Seriously. I have never been so happy in my whole life. And tonight I get to go to my first YL club as a leader!!!!!!!! Except I have a stupid class at 6:30, that I am not looking forward to. Can't wait to tell you about tonight. And I can't wait to hear about how all my friends first club's went! This is almost too exciting. I have honestly never been happier in my whole life. This whole year has been the best year ever! Sorry I'm rambling.  JESUS SAVES!

If you really knew me you would know that I am obsessed with cinnapies from papa johns. (have I said that already?)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Are You a Consumer?

First I want to start off my saying that this weekend and today were super great. I love the weekends, and I'm so glad that Mondays are my easiest day, because if they weren't I'd probably want to kill myself a lot. I've started staying at home on Sunday nights and coming to campus around 10 on Monday morning. I love it! I get to sleep in my moms bed, wake up when I feel like it, and take my time. This also makes me want to live at home more and more next year. I am 100% okay with it. I'm sure there will be days when I get in a fight with my mom or sister and I'll regret ever saying this, but for the most part I think I will really enjoy it. Today we had small group, which is always so great. This week Steph had us draw our heart and write or draw inside it whatever we were feeling, or whatever was on our heart, or how our heart felt. It's so great to be able to see how everyone else is doing and what is going on in their heart. We each went around and talked about why we wrote or drew what we did. I drew a lot on my heart that I won't go into detail about, but one thing in particular was that I wrote "future" on my heart. I said that typically I would be stressed, anxious, confused, and impatient with the future and not knowing what to come. But for the first time ever in my whole entire life, I am thrilled with the fact that I am actually looking forward to the future not knowing what is to come. I explained it like this..I said that normally it's like I'm on a high thrill roller coaster and I have my eyes closed trying to predict what's coming next, but now I'm just riding a slow, calm train to wherever it takes me, and I'm enjoying it! I have finally come to terms with the fact that I don't plan my future, so why obsess over it. All of this leads me to talk about Crossroads tonight. It was so awesome! It was probably the best one I've ever been too. This semester the talks have all been about how to follow Jesus more. Tonight Greg talked about 3 directions God calls us to. 1. Holiness. The pursuit of Holiness is fundamental to the Christian walk. Greg said this exactly, "If you don't feel the Holy Spirit in you then you are not a Christian." There should be something in you that wants to please God, that something is the Holy Spirit. The second direction God calls us to is A love for God's people. Yeah, we've all read in the bible that we are suppose to love everyone, which is true, but we really need to love our church, our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is where a lot of people fall short. People bash the church and the people of the church. This is not loving God's people. We are to first love those who are of the household of family: the church. The third thing is Learning Responsibility, and this really hit home. Greg said this so many times...DO NOT have a consumer mentality. Which is what a lot of us tend to do? It's easy to go to church and listen to the sermon, or go to a small group and be fed from the other members, but we have to share what we are being fed. Tim said this a young life a few weeks ago, we have to be spiritually FIT not FAT. Yeah, it's great to be fed at church and small group, but once you've eaten, you have to go work out. Share the gospel with others! That's what we are called to do! Labor for the Kingdom of Christ around you! Greg then talked about how idleness is the number one thing that leads to sin. Which is so true. So basically, we need to use our time wisely....which I do not know how to do. I love being idle and being lazy. But that's doing nothing for me or Jesus. So again Greg said it, Stop having a consumer mentality! STOP! This is something that I will continue to pray about. I know that is a few short days I will be beginning my journey to share my ministry with lost high school kids. I will be doing what Jesus has called me to do. Speaking of which....I get placed WEDNESDAY! This Wednesday! And I am seriously so pumped. I'm going to want to kill myself the whole time in Chem lab so I can hurry and leave and get to Steph's! I will definitely post soon after I find out! 

If you really knew me you would know that I love taking naps! I could pretty much fall asleep on command. 

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I write with good news!

Okay so, yesterday I found out that we find out where we will be getting placed NEXT WEDNESDAY!! I was thinking it was so much further away from now, but I am so glad that it's next week! I seriously couldn't be more pumped! Last night at Quest there was a leader panel. They had 6 leaders up front and we got to write and and asked them questions about leading and everything that comes with it. It's always so good to hear from other people how their ministry looks, how they pursue girls, how much money they spend....the whole 9 yards. It just made me that much more pumped for next week. I can't wait to see a year from now and how my ministry has played out, and how I will be pursuing girls. It's just a really cool thing. I pray every day for the the staffers and quest leaders that will be placing all of us this Saturday. It's a HUGE deal, but I know that Jesus will be in the YL house with everyone on Saturday.

I have been so anxious about this whole leading stuff, so I found this verse and I just have to keep reminding myself of it...

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

This is way random, and I meant to say something when I posted Tuesday, but I'm kind of sad that my boy Bruce is gone. It's tragic. I feel like he died or something. Good thing he didn't, though!

If you really knew me you would know that I am the worst studier ever! Seriously though, I should be studying for a Stat test that I have tonight, but nope.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Long time no see....

Dang, it's almost been a month since I've posted anything on here. I do apologize. I would say I've been super busy and just haven't had time, but then I'd be lying. I have all the time in the world. For instance, right now I am sitting in front of Ayers Hall on a bench just taking in this beautiful morning, and posting on my blog of course. I feel like I have A LOT to catch up on. But I won't start with a month ago. Let's see, I'll start with my YL interview, because that was probably what I was talking the most about. Well, I guess it was 2 weeks ago. Steph texted me Wednesday during lab and said my interview would probably be after Quest...which is on Wednesday. So I kind of went into panic mode for a little bit. I was trying to think of questions they would ask me so I would already know the answer. I was anxious and excited and nervous and scared and pumped all at the same time. So I went to Quest and tried not to think about it the whole time. I prayed about it a lot while we were singing. And then......Quest was over and Steph took me upstairs. I was definitely nervous by this point, but it was a good nervous. I wasn't like about to throw up or anything. I was ready to do it! So Steph and Lindsay took me into this office-like room with a couch and chairs and the interview began. It was THE GREATEST thing I have ever done in my whole life. I could sit here and tell you every question she asked me and my answer to it, but there's no need for that. Basically, I've never felt so good about something in my whole entire life. I knew Jesus was in that interview with me. Sometimes I had answers and I had no idea where they came from. Jesus spoke through me, and I felt so good after that I got to share about my story and where I stand with Jesus. Obviously, Steph knows pretty much everything about me, so really it was just a conversation with my and Lindsay. Which I absolutely loved! Lindsay and I know each other, but not as well as Steph and I. I spend a week with Lindsay and other girls from Quest back in January when we did work crew. That was probably one of the greatest weeks of my life. Lindsay is seriously one of the most christ-like people I've ever met. Not only does she love Jesus with her whole entire entire, but she is just so knowledgable about the everything as well. She is such a great leader, and I was so glad that she did my interview. It was one of the best days I've ever had. So now, I officially know that I am going to be a YoungLife leaderl!!!!!! I am so pumped. I think about it every day. I don't think we find out what school we are going to be placed at for another week or so. But I can't wait! I will definitely keep you posted on that :)

So last week was spring break. Which was very much needed! It was probably one of the best spring breaks I've ever had. Simply because I didn't just sit at home all day everyday. Trust me, I do love just sitting and watching tv, but it was nice to get out and do stuff with friends! Saturday I went to Nashville with Morgan, a girl in my small group. We just went for the day. Ate some Cheesecake Factory, shopped, and met her from at the airport who had been gone for 6 months! It was great fun and we had some good conversation. Then Monday several girls from my small group went to Morgan's house for dinner and we watched the Bachelor finale, which I'm not too pleased with. I think Emily is a fake. But that's just my opinion and a whole other blog post. I didn't do much of anything on Tuesday or Wednesday. Went to Big Ed's for pizza one night, which was way good. Then on Thursday, my mom and sister and myself went to Atlanta for a few days. We did a bunch of eating and shopping, and then on Saturday we went to Six Flags. I've decided that I don't like Six Flags at all anymore. Anyways, went  headed home Saturday night, and we got home around midnight. Early Sunday morning Chase, Jess, Jane, and myself headed to Bristol for the Nascar race! It was seriously one of the greatest experiences of my life! I had way too much fun! And I will definitely go back. I could seriously talk about the race for hours. It was so great and so hilarious. And then Monday....I came back to school. Which is a major bummer. Of course, I have like 2 tests and a critique due this week. So it's kind of a busy week, but I'm hoping it will go by fast. I'm ready for the weekend already. I just really love being at home...which brings me to another topic. Jess and Jess and I have been looking at apartments and places to live next year. I really want to live on my own, but at the same time I just really want to live at home. I love home!  I just love being at my house. I'm definitely a home body. I just know that if I live at home that it will be extremely hard for my to concentrate on school work. I just think living at home will be the easiest option and I'll be saving money. Who knows that will happen though.

Well, I've talked a lot. And I could probably say a lot more, but I'm just going to take in the outdoors before class starts.
If you really knew me you would know that I wake up really easy in the mornings. I would definitely consider it a quality of mine.