Friday, April 15, 2011

This Post is for Chelsea Holland

Chelsea wanted me to post about how my lack of shower taking. So here it is: I don't like to shower. I just don't. Never really have. I don't mind being a little dirty. It doesn't bother me one bit. So because of this, I don't shower very often. It works out for the best, seriously. Most people think it's gross, but I don't really care. That's just what makes me me. So that was for you, Chels. I hope you enjoyed it.

So tonight is Quest graduation.....waaaaaaaah! I'm pretty pumped. We officially graduate from Quest and are now YoungLife leaders to lost high school students. So great. I think we like really walk across something wearing our school colors and our team cheers for us! So great. And our "diploma" is a key to the YoungLife house! I'm excited about tonight. I have to go home to get some of pals some Central shirts so they can wear them tonight.

This morning I had a Chemistry test, and to be totally wasn't THAT bad. It could have been extremely fair and doable had I actually studied besides this morning an hour before. But hey, that's just how I roll. I can't help that I'm terrible at studying, and when I do study it's last minute. I'm going to do better next year though. I'll have to!

Just wanted to give a quick little shout out to Maleana. She's on my heart and I just pray that she has a safe trip to GA. Love you, Mel.

I'm about to go to lunch at Powell! For the first time everrrrrr! Way pumped. And a little bit nervous too.

If you really knew me you would know that I brush my teeth alot.

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