Sunday, February 6, 2011

Full Bellies and Heavy Eyelids

It is Superbowl Sunday. That's all....

Just kidding. Today has been a really great day. I went to church at Fellowship this morning. The sermon was really great. This guy Paul from Boston spoke to us about becoming a world neighborhood. He spent a lot of time time about John 3:16. God LOVED the WORLD. So we should too. We say we don't love Islams or Muslims. Why not? We don't have to love their practice, but we do have to love them as people. The ONLY reason we are able to love at all is because God loved us first! That's just such a cool thing to me. We love because He loved us first. We're suppose to love everyone. No matter one. Our application for the week was to go into our closet and look at the countries who made our clothes, and then to pray for them. Pray for the country and pray for the hands that made our clothes. We typically spend the majority of our prayers on the people around us most, like friends and family. But shouldn't we also be praying for the person that person is Haiti who doesn't have food or water or a place to live? Shouldn't we be praying for the people of Egypt? DUH! Of course we should. But we don't. So I hope to encourage everyone else to pray for the maker of your clothes as well. These prayers can go a long way.

After church I just layed around until I came back to campus. Jane, Jess, and I are watching the game right now as we speak. We ordered some pizza and now I feel really sick. And I am so ready for bed. It's only 9:23....

If you really knew me you would know that I really enjoy doing nothing on my weekends.
If you really knew me you would know that I have a really big problem with shopping online.

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